
Can You Hear Me


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Can You Hear Me

Written by Jonathan Davis, Brian Welch, Raymond Luzier, Reginald Arvizu, James Shaffer, Justin Warfield

A G (x2) 
A D A G 
A D A G 

Verse 1:

A G It walks with me, it takes its time D A It sinks its teeth in one at a time G It loves to feed, it loves my past D A It's always taunting but somehow out of grasp
C G Can you hear me? 'Cause I'm lost D A And I may never come back again C G And while my heart keeps holding on D A I know I'll never be the same again
Instrumental: A G D A

Verse 2:

A G It talks to me, it holds my hand D A It showers me with things I can't understand A G It has no reason, it knows the time D A It's constantly watching, so it's not left behind
C G Can you hear me? 'Cause I'm lost D A And I may never come back again C G And while my heart keeps holding on D A I know I'll never be the same again C G Can you hear me? 'Cause I'm lost D A And I may never come back again C G And while my heart keeps holding on D A I know I'll never be the same again


A You know I'll never be the same again (You know, you know) G D A You know I'll never be the same again (You know, you know) A You know I'll never be the same again (You know, you know) G D A You know I'll never be the same again
C G Can you hear me? 'Cause I'm lost D A And I may never come back again C G And while my heart keeps holding on D A I know I'll never be the same again
Outro C G I know I'll never be the same again D A I know I'll never be the same again C G I know I'll never be the same again D I know I'll never be the same again

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