Luke Combs

Mustve Never Met You

Luke Combs

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Mustve Never Met You

Written by Luke Combs/Jonathan Singleton/Rob Williford

Intro: Em C G D (x2) 

Em                     C                  G                      D 
Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, they say it ain't that hard 
         Em             C                     G                    D 
But this put one foot in front of the other, ain't gettin' me to far 
     Em                 C              G                    D 
This movin' along ain't comin' along, the way they said it would 
Em C G D I guess whoever said the grass is greener, must've never seen the other side Em C G D What don't kill you makes you stronger, sure sounds like a lie Em C G D Whoever said that time heals everything, and everything will be alright C G C D Whoever said it ain't the end of the world, & you'll find somebody new Em C G D Em C G D Must've never met you - Must've never met you
Verse Em C G D Must've never heard you say you'd never leave me, then watch you walk away Em C G D Must've never fell as hard as i did, Cause then they'd never say Em C G D Maybe it wasn't meant to be, & maybe you're better off alone
Em C G D I guess whoever said the grass is greener, must've never seen the other side Em C G D What don't kill you makes you stronger, sure sounds like a lie Em C G D Whoever said that time heals everything, and everything will be alright C G C D Whoever said it ain't the end of the world, & you'll find somebody new Em C G D Em C G D Must've never met you - Must've never met you
Outro Em C G D I guess whoever said the grass is greener, must've never seen the other side Em C G D What don't kill you makes you stronger, still sounds like a lie Em C G D Whoever said that time heals everything, and everything will be alright C G Em D Whoever said it ain't the end of the world, you know she ain't the only girl Em C D You win, you lose, you find somebody new Em C G D Em C G D Must've never met you - Must've never met you

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