Manchester Orchestra

The Mansion (acoustic)

Manchester Orchestra

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The Mansion (acoustic)


Intro: F , C , E 
F           C                E 
Oh mom, my heart is so black 
F           C                E 
You find it insane to apologize 
for something like that 
F           C                E 
It won't revolve around me 
F           C                E 
Or how I feed on almost every inappropriate thing 
We know the guy that drew the map 
but he's a graveyard away 

C        E         F      
He never wanted to stay 

I was painted red 
F           C                E 
I never read the actual words 
They're kind of faded I guess 
F           C                E 
You said I called you ?no shoes? 
F           C                 
Man we all make mistakes 
   E                              F 
I swear to god it wasn't just you 
I found the guy that found the map 
he's going insane 

C         E          F 
He can't remember my name 
C         E          F 
He can't remember my name 

break: F, C, E x2 

F           C                E 
And it was just like you said 
F           C                 
We got back to the mansion 
bowed both our heads 
F           C                E 
I saw a flash in the sky 
F           C                E 
I recall you saying there's no one there 
but the devil and I 
I am the man who proved the map was wrong 
it's never the same 

C         E          F 
Its undeniable change 
C         E          F 
Its undeniable change 
C         E          F 
What a deniable way 
C         E          F 
What a deniable waste 

Outro: F , C , E 

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