
Back To Life


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Back To Life

Intro ||: Dm F :|| 

verse 1 
          Dm      F 
I breathe out confusion 
          Dm        F 
I breathe in Your truth 
          Dm      F 
I breathe out all my fear 
        C         Gm7 
I breathe in Your peace 

F C I, I'm coming back to life Dm I'm feeling hope arise Am Gm Because of You, only You
Jesus... F C I, I'm leaving the rest behind Dm My heart is satisfied Am Bm Because of You, only You G Jesus! verse 2 Dm F I lay down my weakness Dm F I take on Your strength Dm F I lay down my defenses C Gm7 I step into Your victory! Bridge Gm7 Am7 Shame and depression, and all anxieties Bb Am7 They have no power over me Gm7 Am7 Addiction and strongholds, and every disease Bb Am7 They have no power over me, o-o-o-o-ohh

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