Mario Winans

3 Days Ago

Mario Winans


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3 Days Ago

	  		Tuning: EADGBE 
Tabber's note:  
The lyrics for the bridge are up for debate (and are probably wrong). Also, that Em chord 
thingy was the closest thing that sounded like the last chord in the bridge. That could 
use some improvement. Otherwise, enjoy the song and the tab! 
(verse repeats) 
G     C             D             G 
Yesterday you said that we could get away 
G         C             D             G 
The day before I was alone like any other day 
C       G            D             G 
3 days ago I wrote this song just for you 
G       D         Em        C     G   D    
Will I ever get through to you 
 Em             D                 G 
I've waited so long to hear from you 
                   C                     Em 
I've stayed on my feet will I ever get through 
           D               C 
What can I do to make you stay 
                D                    Em 
My love is for you, your love is for me 
{Chorus} 2X 
{Outro} <-|Same as verse 

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