Marvin Gaye

Secret Love

Marvin Gaye

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Secret Love

Written by Paul Francis Webster & Sammy Fain


D6  Em7  D6   Em7  Edim D D6 Em7 A 
Once I  had a secret love 
       D6  Edim   D6      Cdim    Em7 A7 Em7 A 
That lived within the heart of me 
Em7     A9   A7 Em7    A7  Em7 G/B   
All too soon my secret love 
Em7   A7     Em7  A6  Em7 Edim D D6 Em7 A7 
Became       impatient to   be  free 
D6 Em7  D6     Em7    Edim D D6 Em7  
So  I  told a    friendly  star 
     D6  Edim  D6    Cdim   Em7 A7 Em7 
The way that dreamers often do 
Em7      A9 A7 Em7      A7  Em7 A 
Just how wonderful you are 
Em7  A7 Em7 A6    Em7  Edim D D7M D7 D7/F# 
And why I'm so in love with you 
Bm  Bm7  E7     Bm5-/7  A A7M    A7/13  A 
Now  I shout it from the highest hill 
D4/7      D7             G7M  G6  Gm7 Gm6 
Even   told the golden     daffodills 
   D/F#      D              F#m5-/7   B7/9- 
At last, my heart's an open door 
B7      Em7             A4/7        A9 Edim D6 G7M Em7 Edim D 
And my secret love's no secret    anymore 

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