Mary Lambert

The Fairy Song

Mary Lambert

keyboards Beginner beginner


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The Fairy Song

verse 1 

C         G                D      
there's a forrest full of fairies 
G                D          C  
together we will eat magic berries 
C         G             D      
fafa and Shasha are my friends 
G            D              C  
together the fun will never end 

C Em there are fun things to do G D you could come just me and you C Em i found some fairies and you can too G D we'll have some fun you know its true
verse 2 C G D everyday we can run and play G D C we will do it no matter what you say C G D i feel sad when they fly away G D C but i know that i will be okay
C Em there are fun things to do G D you could come just me and you C Em i found some fairies and you can too G D we'll have some fun you know its true C Em there are fun things to do G D you could come just me and you C Em i found some fairies and you can too G D we'll have some fun you know its true you know its true

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