Matthew Hussey

Fields Of Gold

Matthew Hussey

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Fields Of Gold


E C#m A  E 
E C#m A  B 
C#m G# A B 
E C#m A-A  B  E 

Verse 1:

E C#m A B E I may not be at the front of any race E C#m A B You might frequently catch me staring out in to space C#m G# I'm a wide eyed wanderer A B Won't you waver with me? E Come on love C#m A B E Let's go walking in these fields of gold

Verse 2:

E C#m A B E No, I don't take such an obvious approach E C#m A B I'm not your average book on the shelf C#m G# A B I'd rather have a caravan in the hills E Call it home C#m A B E We'll go walking these fields of gold


F#m C#m We will roam We will roam F#m C#m A We will roam

Verse 3:

E C#m A B E I like taking the less traveled road E C#m A B I don't even care if we know where we're going C#m G# We'll be wide eyed wanderers A B Unreserved, uncontrolled E C#m Every place that we are B Call it home C#m G# A It never gets old E Come on love C#m A B E Let's go walking in these fields of gold E Come on love C#m Let's go walking in these fields of gold E Come on love C#m G# A E Let's go walking in these fields of gold

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