Merle Haggard

Goodbye Lefty

Merle Haggard


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Goodbye Lefty

Written by Merle Haggard

	  		nd Fret/KEY: A/PLAY: G 
(G) I'd love to hear a (D7) jukebox (G) play 
I love you a (C) thousand (G) ways 
Or if (C) you've got the (G) money, I've got the (D7) time 
I'd walk a (G) mile for (D7) Mom and (G) Dad 
And the good times (C) that we (G) had 
Look what (C) thoughts will do 
When you (G) sing old (D7) pal of (G) mine. 
But the (D7) old, old man is gone 
There'll be (C) no more Lefty (G) songs 
How (C) much he meant to (G) me, nobody (D7) knows 
The long black (G) veil that (D7) Alice (G) wore 
Like words he sang some (C) years be-(G) fore 
(C) she loved him, too (G) ... 
(D7) That's the way love (G) goes. 

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