Merle Haggard

Holding Things Together

Merle Haggard


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Holding Things Together

Written by Merle Haggard and The Strangers

st FRET  
Ain't no easy (A7) thing to (D) do
When it comes to raisin' (A) children
It's a job - meant for (E) two
(A) Alice (E) please be-(A)lieve me
I can't go (A7) on and (D) on
Holding things (A) together (E)
With you (A) gone.

Today was (E) Angie's (A) birthday
I guess it (A7) slipped your (D) mind
I tried twice to (A) call you
But no answer either (E) time
But the (A) postman (E) brought a (A) present
I mailed some (A7)  days (D) ago
I just signed it love from (A) mama
So (E) Angie wouldn't (A) know.


Alice please believe me
I can't go on and on
Holding things together
With you gone.

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