Merle Haggard

Runaway Mama

Merle Haggard

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Runaway Mama

	  		Intro: D G A                       
N/C                 D                      G 
She's my runaway mama, always chasin other men. 
                 A                           D     
She's my runaway mama, always somewhere gone again. 
If you see this kind of lady, Kinda tall and kinda slim. 
                 A                               D  
She's my runaway mama, call the law and turn her in. 
N/C                      A                        D 
She's got lots of pretty things, that a man can't ignore. 
And she stands out in a ball room,  
When she walks out on the floor. 
If you see this kind of women 
comin around and showin skin. 
                 A                               D  
She's my runaway mama, call the law and turn her in. 
Instrumental: D,G,A 
N/C                   D                                    
If you see some women flirtin, 
And she's hurtin a bunch of men. 
                 A                               D 
She's my runaway mama, call the law and turn her in. 
If you see her somewhere dancin, on a table in a bar. 
Go and call the chief of police,  
Try to tell tell them where you are. 
 	  	      Sing Chorus 

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