Merle Haggard

Turnin' Off A Mem'ry

Merle Haggard


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Turnin' Off A Mem'ry

Written by Merle Haggard

	  		Tabbed By Larry Mofle 
[email protected] 
        D            G           D   
You can find me in a dim lighted barroom 
        D                      A 
If your coals should ever turn warm 
        D          G        D 
But the chances of you ever changing 
       D            A          D 
Are as slim as your two loving arms 
D C G D So I?m turnin? o-o-ff a mem?ry D E7 A As quickly as time will allow D C G D I?m turnin? o-o-ff a mem?ry D A D And the wine seems to help me somehow
So if I?m lucky I?ll someday forget you When the wine fin?lly takes full control It?s not much of a future to look to But I can?t stand this pain in my soul
D# C# G# D# So I?m turnin? o-o-ff a mem?ry D# F7 A# As quickly as time will allow D# C# G# D# I?m turnin? o-o-ff a mem?ry D A D And the wine seems to help me somehow

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