Michael Bublé

That's Life

Michael Bublé

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That's Life

Year: 2000 - Album: Call Me Irresponsible

Written by Dean Kay and Kelly Gordon

	  		Intro: A7/9- A A7 D  D7 G Am7 Gdim A7 G6 D7 

        G                  B7 
That's lifethat's what all the people say 
        Em7                  A7 
You're ridin' high in April, shot down in  
        G            C7M    Bm5-/7       Em7 
But I know I'm gonna change that tune 
          A9     Am7      D9     D 
When I'm back on top in June 
        G            B7 
That's lifefunny as it seems 
Em7                         A7 
Some people get their kicks steppin' on a dream 
    G             F#m7   F7  Em 
But I don't let it get me down 
        A9                     D9     G 
'Cause this old world keeps goin' round 
I've been a puppet a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king 
I've been up and down and over and out and I've learned one thing 
Each time I find myself flat on my face 
  D7                     D9             D 
I pick myself up and get back in the race 
        G    B7 
That's life I can't deny it 
Em7                            A7 
I thought of quittin', but my heart just won't buy it 
G             G/F#        Bm5-/7    E       
If I  didn't think it was worth a try 
     A7/9-    A7          D   D7        G     G/F#    Em   Edim    D7 
I'd roll myself up in a big ball and die 
Last Time 
    A7/9-         A  A7   D  D7        G  Am7  Gdim  A7  G6 
I'd roll myself up in a big ball and die 

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