Mike Shinoda

Place To Start

Mike Shinoda

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Place To Start

Written by Mike Shinoda

|G |D |Bm |F#m 
|G |D |Bm |F#m 

G                           D 
I don't have a leg to stand on 
 Bm                                       F#m 
Spinning like a whirlwind nothing to land on 
G                                       D 
Came so far never thought it'd be done now 
Bm                                     F#m 
Stuck in a holding pattern waiting to come down 
Did somebody else define me? 
Can I put the past behind me? 
  Do I even have a decision 
Feeling like I'm living in a story already written 
Am I part of a vision made by somebody else? 
Pointing fingers at villains but I'm the villain myself 
Or am I out of conviction with no wind in the sail? 
     F#m                                     G 
Too focused on the end and simply ready to fail 

G D G Bm 'Cause I'm tired of the fear that I can't control this G I'm tired of feeling like every next step's hopeless D Bm I'm tired of being scared what I build might break apart G F#m G I don't want to know the end, all I want is a place to start D Bm Oh, oh, oh oo F#m G D I don't want to know the end, all I want is a place to start Bm F#m Oh, oh

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