Misc Children

10 Little Turkeys

Misc Children

keyboards Beginner beginner


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10 Little Turkeys

C                 G                                                  C 
10 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                               G                                          C 
One little turkey flew off the line And when he was gone, there were only nine. 

C                 G                                                 C 
9 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                                  G                                           C 
One little turkey flew out of the gate And when she was gone, there were only eight. 

C                 G                                                  C 
8 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                                  G                                           C 
One little turkey flew up towards heaven And when he was gone, there were only seven. 

C                 G                                                 C 
7 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                           G                                                         C 
One little turkey ran and hid with the chicks And when she was gone, there were only six. 

C                 G                                                 C 
6 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                  G                                                      C 
One little turkey went for a dive And when he was gone, there were only five. 

C                 G                                                  C 
5 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                               G                                                C 
One little turkey flew out the barn door And when she was gone, there were only four. 

C                 G                                                  C 
4 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                  G                                                       C 
One little turkey climbed up a tree And when he was gone, there were only three. 

C                 G                                                  C 
3 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                  G                                                                 C 
One little turkey flapped her wings and flew And when she was gone, there were only two. 

C                 G                                                 C 
2 little turkeys sat in their pen, "Hide, turkeys, hide!", said the little red hen 
                        G                                                      C 
One little turkey flew off toward the sun And when he was gone, there was only one. 

C                 G                                             C 
1 little turkey sat in her pen, "Hide, turkey, hide!", said the little red hen 
                          G                                                  C 
That little turkey said, "I'd better run!" And when she was gone, there were none. 

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