
Break Up The Family


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Break Up The Family

C7        Gm                         F     C 
The strange logic of your clumsiest line 
C7        Gm                  F  C 
It stayed emblazoned on my mind 
        Bb           Gm 
You say break up the family 
        Bb           Gm 
And let's begin to live our lives 

   C        F                  C        C7 
I want to see all my friends tonight 
It wasn't youth, it wasn't life 
     F            C         C7 
Born old, sadly wise 
Resigned (well, we were) 
      F         C 
To ending our lives 

     Bb            Gm 
I'm so glad to grow older 
  Bb                   Gm 
To move away from those awful times 
C              F                C     C7 
I want to see all my friends tonight 
Yes you found love but you weren't 
     F                C     C7 
At peace with your life 
Home late, full of hate 
         F             C 
Despise the ties that bind 

     Bb             Gm 
oh I'm so glad to grow older 
     Bb                  Gm 
To move away from those younger years 
  C                F 
I'm in love for the first time 
       C              C7 
And I don't feel bad 

Bb                 Gm     F 
Let me see all my old friends 
Bb                 Gm     F 
Let me put my arm around them 
C                     F 
Because I really do love them 
            C              C7 
Now, does that sound mad? 

Captain of games, solid framed 
     F                C     C7 
I stood on the touchline 
Hailstones, driven home 
                F            C 
In his car-no brakes? I don't mind 

   Bb                   Gm 
I'm just so glad to grow older 
   Bb                   Gm 
To move away from those darker years 
 C                    F 
I'm in love for the first time 
          C            C7 
And I don't feel bad 
So wish me luck my friends 

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