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Written by Morrissey/Stephen Street

	  		Intro: F# - B (6x)  

verse 1: 

       Bb                       A             B         F# 
Our unspeakable friend gets the message on an ill wind 
                                Bb                A                    B       F# 
All your friends would and your foes would rather die than have to touch you 

G# Bb B D C# To say the least I'm truly disappointed, truly, truly, truly ah-oh-oh
Intro: F# - B (4x) Verse: 2 Bb A B F# Drank too much, I said too much and there's nowhere to go but down. Bb - A B F# young boy - I want to help you
G# Bb B D C# See these lines, truly disappointed, truly, truly, truly oh-ah-ohhh
Intro: F# - B (6x) Verse: 3 Bb A-B F# Don't talk to me now about people who are nice Bb A - B F# 'Cause I have spent my whole life in ruins, because of people were nice
G# Bb B D C# Oh this world may lack style I know, each bud must blossom and grow ah-ah-ohhh
Intro: F# - B (4x) Verse: 4 Bb A B F# Young girl one day you will be old Bb A B F# but the thing is, I love you now
G# Bb B D - E This is the last song I will ever sing. No, I've changed my mind again
F# Goodnight and thank you

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