Mumford And Sons


Mumford And Sons

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Key:  C More
Ditmas Key GG
Ditmas Key G#G#
Ditmas Key AA
Ditmas Key A#A#(one step down)
Ditmas Key BB(half step down)
Ditmas Key CC(original key)
Ditmas Key C#C#(half step up)
Ditmas Key DD(one step up)
Ditmas Key D#D#
Ditmas Key EE
Ditmas Key FF
Ditmas Key F#F#
	  		verse 1 
And in time 
                   F               C 
As one reminds the other of the past 
  F                   C       G/B    Am 
A life lived much too fast to hold onto 
         F      C 
How am I losing you? 
A broken house 
                  F                  C 
Another dry month waiting for the rain 
    F            C       G/B       Am 
And I had been resisting this decay 
                F      C 
I thought you'd do the same 

F C But this is all I ever was F C G C And this is all you came across those years ago F C Now you go too far F C G C Don't tell me that I've changed because that's not the truth F C G And now I'm losing you
verse 2 Am Fragile sound F C The world outside just watches as we crawl F C G/B Am Crawl towards a life of fragile lines F C And wasted time Am And so I cry F C As I hold you for the last time in this life F C G/B Am This life I tried so hard to give to you F C What would you have me do?
F C But this is all I ever was F C G C And this is all you came across those years ago F C Now you go too far F C G C Don't tell me that I've changed because that's not the truth F C G And now I'm losing you
Bridge Am F C Where I used to end was where you start Am F C You were the only one Am F C And now I see your eyes move too fast Am F C You were the only one verse 3 Am Careful hands F C And wandering without that much to say F C G/B Am Your words are empty as the bed we made F C Is there another way? Am F C Oh love, is there another way?
F C But this is all I ever was F C G C And this is all you came across those years ago F C Now you go too far F C G C Don't tell me that I've changed because that's not the truth F C G And now I'm losing you F C G And now I'm losing you
Outro x4 Am F C

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