Mumford And Sons

The Enemy

Mumford And Sons

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The Enemy



        Bm      A       G 
Give me hope in silence its easier its kinder 

        Bm      A       G 
Tell me not of heartbreak 

        Bm      A       G 
 it plagues my soul, it plagues my soul 

        Bm      A       G 
And bury me beside you i have no hope in solitude 

        Bm      A       G 
And the world will follow to the earth down below 

G                       Bm      A       G 
But i came and i was nothing 

G                       Bm      A       G 
Time will give us nothing 

G                       Bm      A       G 
So why did you choose to lean on 

G                       Bm      A       G 
The man you knew was falling 

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