Nick Mulvey

Fever To The Form

Nick Mulvey

keyboards Easy easy


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Fever To The Form

	  		There are some good Youtube vids on this using two capos at the same time, but this is  
how I play it. Open to suggestions or modifications. 

Hammer on and pull off 2nd fret G string (relative to capo) on all chords. I use a G5  
derivative (3X0033) so that my index finger is free to hammer I and pull off G string. 

Capo on 3 

F F Am G 

So Whether music or madness 
Live by one of the two 
By one of the two 

Go on, fill your heart up with gladness 
Not a moment too soon 
Not a moment too soon 

(Same pattern pretty much all way through I think. You can google the rest of the lyrics  
of you want) 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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