Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

Shot Full Of Love

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

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Shot Full Of Love

Written by Bob McDill

	  		Shot Full Of Love:Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. 
#19 on BB C/W on WARNER Records in 1982. 

Intro: G D Em  (x2) 

G            D             Em 
Once I had a heart cold as ice.. 
C              Em       D 
Love to me was only for fun. 
C          Em        B           C 
I'd make a mark, for each broken heart, 
     G              D         C   D 
Like notches on the butt of a gun. 

G            D           Em 
Once I had a trick up my sleeve. 
      C          Em       D 
And a reputation all over town. 
      C             Em        B        C 
I was heartless and cold, wherever I'd go, 
    G               D           C    D 
and shot down every young boy I found. 

D C G Yes, I used to be a moonlight bandit. D G I used to be a heartbreak kid. C G Then I met you, and the next thing I knew, Em C G D Em G D Em there I was...oooh, shot full of love.
#3. G D Em Well, who'd have thought someone like you, C Em D could take a desperado like me? C Em B C But, oh, here I am, I'm as meek as a lamb, G D C with my bleeding heart there at your feet.
D C G Yes, I used to be a moonlight bandit. D G I used to be a heartbreak kid. C G Then I met you, and the next thing I knew, Em C G D Em there I was...oooh, shot full of love.
(INTERLUDE:) G D Em C Em D Chorus: D C G Yes, I used to be a moonlight bandit. D G I used to be a heartbreak kid. C G Then I met you, and the next thing I knew, Em C G D Em there I was...oooh, shot full of love. OUTRO: C G D Em G shot full of love. An eighties smash from Kraziekhat.

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