Noah Kahan

Northern Attitude

Noah Kahan

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Northern Attitude

Written by Gabe Simon / Noah Kahan


Verse 1:

D F#m Breathing in, breathing out Bm G How you been? You settled down? D F#m Feeling right, feeling proud Bm How are your kids G Where are they now?


D Bm You build a boat, you build a life F#m G You lose your friends, you lose your wife D Bm You settle in, to routine F#m Bm Where are you? What does it mean?
D G If I get too close Bm And I'm not how you hoped G Forgive my northern attitude Oh, I was raised out in the cold D G If the sun don't rise Bm 'Til the summertime G Forgive my northern attitude D Oh, I was raised on little light

Verse 2:

D F#m Bought some shit, searched online Bm G You're getting lost, you're getting high D F#m All alone, late in life Bm G Scared to live, scared to die


D Bm You build a boat, you build a life F#m G You lose your kids, you lose your wife D Bm You settled down, feeling lost F#m Bm Getting stoned, then kicking rocks
D G If I get too close Bm And I'm not how you hoped G Forgive my northern attitude Oh, I was raised out in the cold D G If the sun don't rise Bm 'Til the summertime G Forgive my northern attitude Oh, I was raised on little light D F#m Ohhh Ohhh D F#m Ohhh Ohhh D F#m Ohhh Ohhh D F#m Ohhh Ohhh Final D G If you get too close Bm And I'm not how you hoped G Forgive my northern attitude Oh, I was raised out in the cold D G If the sun don't shine Bm 'Til the summertime G Forgive my northern attitude D Oh, I was raised on little light

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