Paul McCartney


Paul McCartney

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Written by Paul McCartney

	  		"Alligator" (nd. fret) 



____Verse: 1 

 I want someone to come home to 

 I need somewhere I can sleep 
Bm7                         Bdim7 
 I need a place where I can rest my weary bones 
            Gm/Bb        Bbmaj7             A  Bb6/A  G#dim  G7 
 and have a conversation not___too___deep___ 
F               A                       Dm 
 Everybody else busy doin' better than me___ 
           Bb            F 
 but I can see___why it is___, 
          Dm                       Fmaj7 
 they got someone settin' them free 
 Bb                     Dm 
 someone breakin' the chains___ 
 Bbmaj7                A7 
 someone lettin' them be___ 



____Verse: 2 

 I want someone who can save___me 

 when I come home from the zoo 
 Bm7                                  G/B 
 I need somebody who's a sweet communicator, 
       Bbmaj7                   A7  Ab  G7 
 I can give my alligator___to___ 
F                   Am                           Dm 
 Everybody seems to know what they are talking about___ 
           Bb            F 
 and I can see___why it is___, 
          Dm                     F 
 they got someone breakin' 'em out 
 Bb                   Dm 
 someone findin' the key 
 Bbmaj7                 A 
 someone settin' them free___ 


           F           Am           Dm 
 Could you be___that___person for me___? 
           F              Am           Dm 
 Would you feel___right___setting me free___? 
           F           Am7          Dm 
 Could you dare___to___find___my key___? 



____Verse: 3 

        A7               Dm 
 I want someone who can bail___me 
A7                   Bb/D 
 when I get up to my tricks 
B                        Baug 
 I need somebody used to dealing with a sinner 
     Bb                      A7  F6  Ab  G7 
 whenever I get in a___fix___ 
F               Am                      Dm  
 Everybody else busy doin' better than me 
           Bb            F 
 and I can see___why it is___, 
          Dm                       F 
 they got someone settin' them free 
 Bb                     D 
 someone breakin' the chains 
 Bb                    A 
 someone lettin' them be 


           F           Am           Dm 
 Could you be___that___person for me___? 
           F              Am           Dm 
 Would you feel___right___setting me free___? 
           F           Am7          Dm 
 Could you dare___to___find___my key___? 

____Coda: (Guitar overlay from ^-^)  

 Am7  Dm  ^Am  Dm7  Am  Dm 
 Am  Dm7  Am  Dm  Am7  Dm7 
 Am7  Dm  Fmaj7  Dm^ 

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