Phil Ochs

One Way Ticket Home

Phil Ochs

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One Way Ticket Home

Written by Phil Ochs

	  		Em         A                D          G 
I'd like a one-way ticket home, ticket home 
      Em          A           D                  D 
Where I can watch television, talk on the telephone 
Em                 A                       D 
But every town I wander there's a billboard on a throne 
Ticket home 
I want a ticket home 

Em           A                D              G 
Does anybody know my name, or recognize my face 
  Em                  A                    D              G 
I must have come from somewhere, but I can't recall the place 
      Em               A             D              G 
they dropped me at the matinee, they left without a trace 
Ticket home 
I want a ticket home 

G                                       D 
Elvis Presley is the king, I was at his crowning 
   E                                G          A 
My life just flashed before my eyes, I must be drowning 

Em         A                D          G 
Seems like only yesterday I climbed aboard the plane 
      Em          A           D 
Raping distance in the skies, while diving in champagne 
Em                 A                       D 
I would be in exile now, but everywhere's the same 
Ticket home 
I want a ticket home 

G                                       D 
Elvis Presley is the king, I was at his crowning 
   E                                G          A 
My life just flashed before my eyes, I must be drowning 

Em           A                D              G 
Seems like only yesterday I climbed aboard the plane 
  Em                  A                    D              G 
Raping distance in the sky, while diving in champagne 
      Em               A             D              G 
I would be in exile now, but everywhere's the same 
Ticket home 
I want a ticket home 


Chords supplied by Jim Lesses 

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