Phil Wickham

Take My Heart

Phil Wickham



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Take My Heart

	  		(verse 1) 
G     D          C 
Inside you shine a mist that's broken daylight 
G      D            C 
Take this darkness that I might see your goodness 
G                    D            C 
My eyes are on the sky show me what you hold 
G            D       C 
You are the light of my soul 

G D You have been the beauty in the song I sing C The fragrance of the rain G D You have been the mystery in my deepest dreams C You make my fly away G D You have been more faithful then the morning sun C You've given me the stars G D C Take my life take my soul take my heart G D C Take my heart
(verse 2) G D C You make me you break me You change my life completely G D C Always my days I wanna give you my praise G D C My heart is in you hands let me feel your touch G D C Lord I live for your love

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