Phil Wickham

The Secret Place

Phil Wickham

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The Secret Place


Intro (N.C.): 
Better is a moment that I spend with You 
Than a million other days away 
I'm running, I'm running 
I'm running to the secret place 

verse 1: 
 Where will you run, my soul 
D/F#                                   G 
    Where will you go when wells run dry 
 When the wind starts to blow 
D/F#                                G 
    How you gonna keep this flame alive 

       Bm                             A 
In the fading light when the night is breaking 
                G             Bm 
I know You will always be wai - ting 
       Asus4        A   
You'll always be there 

G D I'm running to the secret place Bm A Where You are, where You are G D I sing to You all the ways A Bm You stole my heart, stole my heart G D Better is a moment that I spend with You Bm A Than a million other days away G Bm I'm running, I'm running A I'm running to the secret place
Instrumental: D | G2 | D | G2 verse 2: D You are my only hope D/F# G You are the Rock on which I stand D You will not let me go D/F# G I know that I am safe inside Your hands Pre-Chorus
G D I'm running to the secret place Bm A Where You are, where You are G D I sing to You all the ways A Bm You stole my heart, stole my heart G D Better is a moment that I spend with You Bm A Than a million other days away G Bm I'm running, I'm running A I'm running to the secret place
Bridge (x2): D G Hands are lifted high, hearts awake to life D A We are satisfied here with You, here with You Bm G Chains will hit the floor, broken lives restored D A We couldn't ask for more here with You, here with You
G D I'm running to the secret place Bm A Where You are, where You are G D I sing to You all the ways A Bm You stole my heart, stole my heart G D Better is a moment that I spend with You Bm A Than a million other days away G Bm I'm running, I'm running A I'm running to the secret place
Outro: D | Dsus4 | D | G D | Dsus4 | D | G | D

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