Rascal Flatts

She Goes All The Way

Rascal Flatts

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She Goes All The Way

Year: 2007 - Album: Still Feels Good



Em7          A7 
 No limits,  no lines are drawn 
Em7                              A7 
 The whole world disappears when we're alone 
Bm7              G 
 That thin white cotton dress 
   D      A/C   Bm 
IS blowin'in the wind 
    A     G               Em 
She takes my hand and the dance begins 

Chorus G With every move she makes A D I'm deeper than I've been G Holding on and letting go A Bm She just keeps givin' in G A Takin' me higher and further D There she goes again Cadd9 Givin' more than she takes A 'Cause it's more than love she makes Em7 A7 She goes all the way
Em7 A7 No questions, no talking at all Em7 A7 Only the sound of our hearts as they fall in me Bm G D A/C Bm No matter what I need, her answer's always yes A G Em I only love to dream and she does the rest
Chorus G With every move she makes A D I'm deeper than I've been G Holding on and letting go A Bm She just keeps givin' in G A Yea Takin' me higher and further D There she goes again Cadd9 Givin' more than she takes A 'Cause it's more than love she makes Bb She goes all the way
Solo Bb C D Bb C A
Chorus G With every move she makes A D I'm deeper than I've been G Holding on and letting go A Bm She just keeps givin' in G A Takin' me higher and further D There she goes again Cadd9 Givin' more than she takes A 'Cause it's more than love she makes Em7 A7 She goes all the way Em7 Ooo, ooo, ooo A7 My baby goes all the way, the way Em7 She goes all the way A7 My baby goes all the way Em7 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Outro Em7 A7

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