Rebecca Sugar

All Gummed Up Inside

Rebecca Sugar

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All Gummed Up Inside

G                          G7       Cm          G#7 
I can't keep pushing this down any deeper, 
G              G7                Cm              G#7 
Why do I keep trying if I can't keep her? 
G             G7 
Every move I make, 
Is just another mistake, 
I wonder what it would take, 
                                Em              B7 
Because it feels like there's a hole inside my body, 
                Em             B7 
Like there's a hole inside my heart. 
                 Em               B7 
It's like this feeling is gonna consume me, 
           Em                        B7 
If I keep waiting for this thing to start. 
                     G              Cm 
Oh, I feel like I'm all gummed up inside, 
               G              Cm 
It's like I'm all gummed up inside, 
                   G           Cm      G 
It's like I'm all gummed up insi-iii-iide 

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