Rod Stewart

Tonight`s the night

Rod Stewart

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Tonight`s the night

Year: 1976 - Album: The Very Best of Rod Stewart

Written by Rod Stewart

   C                     F      C                     F
1.    Stay away from my window,    stay away from my back door, too.
C                   F              C                  F
    Disconnect the telephone line,   relax baby and draw that blind.
 C                              F
2.   Kick off your shoes,  and sit right down,
C                        F
    and loosen up that pretty French gown.
C                      F
    Let me pour you a good long drink,
C                       F
    Oh baby, don't you hesitate, 'cause :
C                  F        C                    Am
    Tonight's the night,       it's gonna be allright.
          Dm                      F                  C - G
'Cause I love you girl, ain't nobody gonna stop us now.
  C                      F
3.   Come on, angel, my heart`s on fire, 
C                    F
    don't deny your man's desire.
C                        F
    You'd be a fool to stop this tide,
C                                 F
    spread your wings and let me come inside, 'cause: + REFRAIN 
  C                        F
4.   Don't say a word, my virgin child, 
C                      F
    just let your inhibitions run wild.
C                   F
    The secret is about to unfold,
C                         F
    upstairs, before the nights too old, 'cause:  + REFRAIN 

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