Savannah Outen

If You Only Knew

Savannah Outen

keyboards Intermediate intermediate

by  ELLY4115

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If You Only Knew

	  		Intro - D A Bm G 

       D                A 
If you only knew that I think about you 
     Bm           G 
In a kinda secret way 
I say kind of 'cause 
Well it's obvious 
  Bm                    G 
I must be feeling these things 
A                 Bm    G 
Too bad you can't tell 'cause... 

   D   A        Bm            G                   D 
    If you only knew it would be a dream come true 
A                Bm       
Standing next to you 
       G                  A 
Yeah I might go insane to know 
         D        A       Bm 
That you feel the same as I do 
If You Only Knew 

D A Bm G 

       D                 A  
If you only knew I write songs about you 
       Bm            G  
In the lyrics of the feel 
  D                   A  
I imagine us chillin' out and stuff 
     Bm                      G 
When I close my eyes this is real 
A                Bm G 
Singing out your name 

   D   A        Bm            G                   D 
    If you only knew it would be a dream come true 
A                Bm       
Standing next to you 
       G                  A 
Yeah I might go insane to know 
         D        A       Bm 
That you feel the same as I do 

D          A     Bm 
  And then maybe someday 
You'd write me a song too 
D    A       Bm G 
If I had it my way 
D    A        Bm   G 
  If you only knew 
D    A        Bm   G 
  If you only knew 

D    A         Bm           G 
  If you only knew it would be a dream come true 
D A                Bm 
  Standing next to you 
Yeah I might go insane! 
D    A        Bm            G  
  If you only knew it would be a dream come true 
D        A       Bm 
Standing next to you 
       G                  A 
Yeah I might go insane to know 
         D        A       Bm 
That you feel the same as I do 
If You Only Knew 

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