Side A

Dont Stop Believing

Side A

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Dont Stop Believing

Intro: D Dsus   (4x) 

    D              A/D 
At times we feel so lost and all alone 
And never could explain  
Why these things happen 
D                    A/D              
We'd always try to do things on our own 
And think we don't need others 
But we're mistaken 

Bm                  C 
It's time for us to draw the line 
Em                      A 
Forget what's yours and mine 
Bm                C 
Together we must understand 
Em                A 
We're better as one 

    D               Em        G  A 
So don't stop, hey don't stop believing 
        D            Em       G   A 
Though life in this world is deceiving 
     D           Em              G   A 
The love in our hearts, let's be giving 
          D Dsus D Dsus  
From now on 

D                    A/C# 
I wish we'd always fight for what is right 
        G                                A 
Let's seek the truth for what we should live for 
D                         A/C# 
It's not a shame to be guided by the light 
This way we'll have more strength 
And we will fear no more 

Bm                  C 
It's time for us to draw the line 
Em                      A 
Forget what's yours and mine 
Bm                C 
Together we must understand 
Em                A 
We're better as one 

    D               Em        G  A 
So don't stop, hey don't stop believing 
        D            Em       G   A 
Though life in this world is deceiving 
     D           Em              G   A 
The love in our hearts, let's be giving 
          D Dsus D Dsus  
From now on 

Bm          F#sus 
Be on your guard 
      A/C#         Dsus 
Stand firm in the faith 
Be men of courage, be strong 
                  Em B/F# 
Do everything in love 

Bm                  C 
It's time for us to draw the line 
Em                      A 
Forget what's yours and mine 
Bm                C 
Together we must understand 
Em                A 
We're better as one 

    D               Em        G  A 
So don't stop, hey don't stop believing 
        D            Em       G   A 
Though life in this world is deceiving 
     D           Em              G   A 
The love in our hearts, let's be giving 
          D Dsus D Dsus  
From now on 

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