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Key:  Cm More
Circles Key GmGm
Circles Key G#mG#m
Circles Key AmAm
Circles Key A#mA#m(one step down)
Circles Key BmBm(half step down)
Circles Key CmCm(original key)
Circles Key C#mC#m(half step up)
Circles Key DmDm(one step up)
Circles Key D#mD#m
Circles Key EmEm
Circles Key FmFm
Circles Key F#mF#m
So here you are 
Cm/Bb                  F7/A 
Walking away from your life 
    Ab                              Eb 
You tell me that you're different inside 
The same old words  
You used last time 

You'll turn your back  
   Cm/Bb                    F7/A 
On everything that you ever knew 
    Ab                      Eb 
And everyone that cares for you 
To find yourself  
It's nothing new 

Ab Eb/G Can't you see that you're running in circles Bb F7/A Open up and then you move away Ab Cm Gm And you say that you want to be loved for who you are Ab Who are you anyway
Cm So here it goes Cm/Bb F7/A For a little while you'll be at peace Ab Eb And you'll think you've finally found what you need Eb To fill your heart G7 And ease your mind Cm But give it time Cm/Bb F7/A There's a pattern inside of your past Ab Eb That nothing you find ever lasts Eb And you'll be back G7 Where you began
Fm Gm Cm There's a hole inside so deep Fm Gm Cm That can't be filled with something so cheap Fm Gm Cm Bb Like a lover or a bottle or a new philosophy Fm Gm But you've got to lay them down to feel Ab The love that can set you free!
Final: Ab Eb/G Can't you see that you're running in circles Bb F7/A Open up and then you move away Ab Cm Gm Ab And you say that you want to be loved for who you a - re Ab Eb/G But you keep on running in circles Bb Cm How long can you live this way Ab Cm Gm So you just want to be loved for who you are Ab Bb Who are you anyway Cm7 Bb/D 'are you anyway Ab/Eb Who are you anyway

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