
I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever (melhor)


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I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever (melhor)

Written by Martin Smith

	  		Intro: (F#m F#m E E)  x2 
 E                         G#m                                    
Over the mountains and the sea  
Your river runs with love for me,  
And I will open up my heart, 
            B             E 
And let the Healer set me free.  
E                     G#m       
Im happy to be in the truth,  
And I will daily lift my hands, 
For i will always sing, 
   A                   B 
Of when Your love came down. 
Refrão 1 
E B C#m A B  
F#m                  E      B C#m   A B  
I could sing of Your love forever 
(volta na introdução) 
Refrão 2  
E                             B   C#m  
I could sing of Your love forever, 
                     A        B  	 
I could sing of Your love forever 
E                    B    C#m/C C#m  
I could sing of Your love forever 
                     A        B 
I could sing of Your love forever 
F#m            A     
Oh I feel like dancing 
C#m                G#m	 
It's foolishness I know 
F#m                    A             
But when the world has seen the Light 
          B                         B 
They will dance with joy like we're dancing now 
(1x Refrão 2 e 1x Refrão 3) 
Refrão 3 
F#                  C#          D#m  
I will sing of Your love forever 
                    B        C# 	 
I will sing of Your love forever  
F#                  C#   D#m/D D#m  
I will sing of Your love forever   
                    B      C# 
I will sing of Your love forever  
G#m G#m F# F# 
Tabbed by: Christopher  
IpsenEmail: [email protected] 


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