Steven Courtney

Wedding Shoes

Steven Courtney

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Wedding Shoes


Verse 1:

G D/F# Well I went to the doctor and tried to explain Am Em I feel sorta funny but I got no pain C G/B He checked my ears and he checked my brain Am D And again he checked my chart G D/F# He looked me in the eyes saw I nothing to hide Am Em He said let me check your throat now open when C G/B He asked me how I felt deep down inside Am D That's when I opened my heart C G. C. G. C. G. C. G I say oh my doctor did I tell you the news C G. C. G. C. G. C. G He said slow down boy you're gonna blow a fuse C B7 Em. D. C I said no man I ain't got nothing to lose G D G B7 Em. D. C G D You see my baby and I just bought our wedding shoes
Vs 2 Ch Inst- verse chords Vs3 Ch w tag G D G C. G You see my baby and I just bought our wedding shoes

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