Sticky Fingers

Dinner´ On You

Sticky Fingers

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Dinner´ On You

Intro: F  C  G 

F                        C 
  How does it feel to be blamed 
      G                F 
For things you didn't do 
Don't be ashamed 
 C             G               F 
You can't control what isn't true 

Yes they do 
They like what they hear 
Makes the world seem so clear 
Yes they do 
And they knew 
C       G         F 
I feel sorry for you 
C       G         F 
I feel sorry for you 

( F  C  G ) 

Flying high 
 C                            G 
Should have put more effort into your disguise 
Cause what you saw your mothers cries 
When the tears don't come along 
Cause she ain't got no eyes 
     F       C  G 
No more, no more 
    F         C 
No more, it's true 
G                F 
I feel sorry for you 
C       G        F 
I feel sorry for you 
C       G        F 
I feel sorry for you 

( F  C  G ) 

  You're looking for some answers 
          C               G 
Down the street, over the hill 
Into the sun 

All you found was heat, sweat 
 C              G                 F 
Stress, smoke, drugs, big ugly thugs 

Life is so sweet 
It's a treat 
And I'd share with you 
Who else knew 
 C          G 
Just how I feel 
Before the strength they could muster 
         C                 Dm 
There's a man as tall as a roof 
A brand new generation of hustler 
       C                  Dm 
Their hearts they didn't move 
I can see they were coming in numbers 
     C                   Dm 
But there would just be a few 
Their coming to ease up their hunger 
    C             G           F 
It looks like the dinner's on you 
C       G         F 
I feel sorry for you 
C       G         F 
I feel sorry for you 

( F  C  G ) 

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