Syd Barrett

Baby Lemonade

Syd Barrett

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Baby Lemonade

Year: 1999 - Album: Barrett

Written by Syd Barrett

Acordes após a introdução:  A#  C#  A  G  D  A#  D#  A 
1º Verso 
In the sad town 
Cold iron hands clap 
    D                  A 
The party of clowns outside 
D                      A 
Rain falls in grey far away 
A#      D#                A#   G# 
Please, please, baby lemonade 
2º Verso 
(O 2º Verso tem os mesmos acordes e a mesma ordem que o 1º Verso) 
In the evening 
Sun going down when 
The Earth streams in in the morning 
Send a cage through the post 
Make your name like a ghost 
Please, please, baby lemonade 
3º Verso 
I'm screaming 
I met you this way 
       D               A 
You're nice to me like ice 
In the clock they sent 
Through a washing machine 
A#                         A 
Come around, make it soon, so alone 
A#      D#                A#  G# 
Please, please, baby lemonade 
Dai vem o solo, que se continua tocando os acordes: A# C# A ... 
Após disso repete o 1º e o 2º verso, e a música acaba com os acordes A# e G# 


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