The Courteeners

Why Are You Still With Him

The Courteeners

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Why Are You Still With Him

Written by Liam Fray


E    X1 

verse 1 
Am                             C 
He only calls you up when he wants something 
Like a wasp that's lost its sting 
               G                E 
I think he'd look good on a windscreen 

  Am                                   C  
He'll hang you out like the bedsheets on the line to dry 
You gotta be strong, be tall, be fake, be false. 
 G                 E 
Don't let him crucify 

Am C So why are you still with him? F I wanna say that he's played with your heart for the last time G E But we both know that is just a dream of mine
Intro Chords X1 Am C F G E verse 2 Am C He's running rings round you whilst you shop for yours F When it rains it fucking pours G E The weather never changes in your town Am C The life of Riley is one he occupies F I'm not obsessed and I'm not a spy G E I've better things to do in my spare time, honest
Am C So why are you still with him? F I wanna say that he's played with your heart for the last time G E But we both know that is just a dream of mine Am C So why are you still with him? F I wanna say that he's stayed in your bed for the last time G E But we both know that is just a dream of mine
Intro Chord Sequence X2 End on Am

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