The Highwaymen

Here Comes That Rainbow Again

The Highwaymen

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by  CAIOO222

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Here Comes That Rainbow Again

Written by Kris Kristofferson


Verse 1:

G The scene was a small roadside cafe D The waitress was sweeping the floor Two truck drivers drinking their coffee G And two Okie kids by the door

Verse 2:

"How much are them candies?" they asked her D "How much have you got?" she replied "We've only a penny between us" G "Them's two for a penny" she lied
C G And the daylight grew heavy with thunder D G With the smell of the rains on the wind C G Ain't it just like a human D G Here comes that rainbow again

Verse 3:

(A tone higher) A One truck driver called to the waitress E After the kids went outside "Them candies ain't two for a penny" A "So what's it to you?" she replied

Verse 4:

(Idem) A In silence they finished their coffee D And got up and nodded goodbye A She called,"Hey you left too much money" E A "So what's it to you?" they replied
bis:(Idem) D A And the daylight was heavy with thunder E A With the smell of the rains on the wind D A Ain't it just like a human E A Here comes that rainbow again D A Ain't it just like a human E A Here comes that rainbow again

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