The Libertines

Boys in the band

The Libertines

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Boys in the band

intro   D#      F                                  
You walking like you never seen the light 
you walking like it every night 
G                          C   
but I never seen you dance and I never heard you sing 
A                       D 
so how can it mean a single thing? 
(D, G) 
(it's all so rudimentary) 
(C#,C,D) F  
You talking like you handy in a fight 
you talk about it every night 
G                            C 
but I never seen your flowers in the barrel of a gun 
A                               D 
all I ever seen you do is run...not a rude boy you're the gentry 
            F      A 
so tell me baby, how does it feel? 
D                                F 
I know you like the roll of the limousine wheel... 
F                        A           A#         C 
and they all get them out for the boys in the band (only for the boys in the band) 
F                      A 
they scream and they shout for (twist and scream and shout) 
          A#          C 
for the boys in the band, the boys in the band... 
(D, F) 
you walking like you never seen the light 
walking like it every night 
G                             C 
but i never seen you laugh and I never heard you cry, 
A                               D 
one of those things that darling you might try 
(all so rudimentary) 
            F      A 
now I'm jealous I'm jealous of my own 
D                                F 
I've no homestead but through these hearts I will roam... 
F                        A           A#         C 
and they all get them out for the boys in the band (only for the boys in the band) 
F                      A 
they scream and they shout for (twist and scream and shout) 
          A#          C 
for the boys in the band, the boys in the band... 
            F      A 
so tell me baby, how does it feel? 
D                                F 
I know you like the roll of the limousine wheel... 
F                        A          A#         C 
and they all get them out for the boys in the band (only for the boys in the band) 
F                      A 
they scream and they shout for (twist and scream and shout) 
          A#          C 
for the boys in the band, the boys in the band... 
F                        A           A#         C 
and they all get them out for the boys in the band (only for the boys in the band) 
F                      A 
they scream and they shout for (twist and scream and shout) 
          A#          C 
for the boys in the band, the boys in the band... 
Contribuição: Igor Barbosa Cardoso([email protected]) 


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