The Lumineers

Cleopatra Acoustic Demo (acoustic)

The Lumineers

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Cleopatra Acoustic Demo (acoustic)

I was Cleopatra 
I was young and an actress 
and you knelt by my mattress 
and asked for my hand 
And I was sad you asked it 
as I laid in a black dress 
with my father in a casket 
I had no plans 

And I left the footprints 
        C              G      
The mud stained on the carpet 
and it hardened like my heart did 
when you left town 
But I must admit it 
             C               G 
that I would marry you in an instant 
Damn your wife, I'd be your mistress 
just to have you around 
G D But I was late for this C G Late for that C G D Late for the love of my life G D When I die alone C G When I die alone C G D When I die I'll be on time D G (aye)
Verse G And the Church discouraged C G any lust that burned within me G Yes my flesh it was my currency D but I held out G When a man's dejected C G well he can fight for your affections G or he can act like he never met you D and even go to the ground
G D But I was late for this C G Late for that C G D Late for the love of my life G D And when I die alone C G When I die alone C G D When I die I'll be on time D G (aye)
Verse G So I drive a taxi C G and the traffic distracts me G from the strangers in my backseat D They remind me of you G But it's all a daydream C G when it's you who's behind me G but you never recognize me D appraising you Bridge Em G And the only gifts from my Lord C D G were a birth and a divorce Em but I've read this script C G and the costume fits C G D so I play my part Verse G And there are nights I wake up C G to the sound of a door shut G and I search on the floor but D I find no tracks Verse G And the nurse in white shoes C G leads me back to my guest room G it's a bed and a bathroom D and a place to relax
G D but I was late for this C G late for that C G D late for the love of my life G D When I die alone C G When I die alone C G D When I die I'll be on time D (aye)
Ending G

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