The Shins

Simple Song

The Shins

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Simple Song

Written by James Russell Mercer


D		A	D	A 
Well this is just a simple song 

D		A	D	A 
To say what you've done 

D		A	D	A 
I told you about all those fears 

D			A	D 
And the way they did run 

		  A	        G 
Your show must be strong 

And you feel like an ocean 

	D	A D	A D 
They'd want by the sun 

D		A	D		A 
When I was just 9 years old 

D		A	D		A 
I swear that I dreamt 

D		A	D		A 
Your face on a football field 

D		A	D 
And a kiss that I kept 

	    A   G 
Under my vest 

			D	A D 
Apart from everything but the heart in my chest 

Bm		  D		G 
I know that things can really get rough 

When you go it alone 

Bm           D		 G 
Don't go thinking you gotta be tough 

To play like a stone 

Bm                         D	G 
Could be there's nothing else in our lives 

So critical 

As this little hole 

D		A	D		A 
My life in an upturned boat 

D		A	D		A 
Marooned on a cliff 

D		A	D		A 
You brought me a great big flood 

D		A	D 
And you gave me a lift 

	     A	G 
To care, what a gift 

And you tell me with your tongue 

And you're breath was in my lungs 

And you float over the rift 

		  D		G 
I know that things can really get rough 

When you go it alone 

Bm	       D                 G 
Don't go thinking you gotta be tough 

To play like a stone 

Bm			  D		G 
Could be there's nothing else in our lives 

So critical 

As this little hole 

G Bm G D 
G Bm G G 

D		A	D		A 
Well this'll be a simple song 

D		A	D		A 
To say what you've done 

D		A	D		A 
I told you about all those fears 

D			A	D 
And the way they did run 

		      A	        G 
Your show must be strong 

And you feel like an ocean 

They'd want by the sun 

Bm		   D				     G 
Remember walking a mile to your house 

A glow in the dark 

Bm	       D			      G 
I made a fumbly play for your heart 

And the extra, a spark 

Bm		     D				     G 
You're are a trauma, a chain that I stole 

Especial for you 

Bm		     D					G 
Love's just a delicate thing that we'd do 

We've nothing to prove 

Which I never knew 

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