Tommy Womack

Going Nowhere

Tommy Womack

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Going Nowhere

	  		Intro:  EFF# - G 

Verse 1:

G C D She blew it all on alcohol and a bad Missouri boy G C D G Sweet Loretta Farmington from Cairo, Illinois G C D Her daddy said don't leave us girl don't throw your life away G C D G She just smiled so young and wild and all that she would say
Am C G Is I'm going nowhere Am C D I'm going nowhere C G Singing I can't see tomorrow C C/B Am But I'm leavin' here today Am I'm going nowhere C D G But at least I know the way

Verse 2:

G C D After dark in a trailer park with the bad Missouri guy G C D G Pumped her full of jimson weed and blackened both her eyes G C D Mornings found him sober and begging her to stay G C D G But he knew it was over when all that she would say is
Am C G I’m going nowhere Am C D Just going nowhere C G Singing I can't see tomorrow C C/B Am But I'm leavin' you today Am I'm going nowhere C D C But at least I know the way
Solo: C Em C C/B Am Am C D G

Verse 3:

G C D Thumbing down the highway with a brand new baby boy G C D G Sweet Loretta Farmington from K-Mart, Illinois G C D Twenty-one and holding, looking thirty-five G C D G Carrying her redemption, glad to be alive
Am C G And going nowhere Am C D Just going nowhere C G Singing I can't see tomorrow C C/B Am 'Cause I'm holding my today Am I'm going nowhere C D G But at least I know the way Am I'm going nowhere C D G But at least I know the way

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