
Even The Score


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Even The Score


Verse 1:

Em Played around when I was gone G But I got hip to what went on A When I returned I left no doubt B I kept my cool but threw you out C And now you're gone with her in hand Em You're way in deep to understand C I see your ripe for what's in store Am D Em And now's my chance to even the score
D G (Even the score) you cheated and lied D G (Even the score) the tears that I cried D Em (Even the score) hope you crumble inside D C (Even the score) there's no place you can hide

Verse 2:

Em Cut the tears, I know they’re fake G Lovin' you was a bad mistake A Don't be crawlin' 'round my door B Cause I can't stand your face no more
N.C. You fool!

Verse 3:

C You think I'm dumb and blind Em You've come to late to change my mind C Just ask someone who's tried before Am D Em I don't get mad, I even the score
D G You cheated and lied D G The tears that I cried D Em Hope you crumble inside D C There's no place you can hide D G (Even the score) you cheated and lied D G (Even the score) the tears that I cried D Em (Even the score) hope you crumble inside D C (Even the score) there's no place you can hide
Outro: Em Even the score well D I even the score now G I even the score yes C I even the score Am I even the score C I even the score

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