With Confidence

Voldemort (acoustic)

With Confidence

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Voldemort (acoustic)

Written by With Confidence



I remember the first night that she said, 
"Oh, maybe I can do this on my own." 
G                                                                      C 
And amongst all the reassurances and reoccurrences you will not be alone, 


And I know that you're holding out for better weather 
And I can't promise you that I'll be round forever 
If there's one thing I know it's that we're good together 
(If there's one thing I know it's that we're good together) 

C D C D C D G And I will try to hold you up through those times when you are gone C D C D Despite the weather, it gets better, C D G You won't do this alone
Verse G I remember the first night that she went C To find her little place inside this world G I won't forget the way she broke her tape down, She needed it now C She ran into it all Pre-Chorus D And I know that you're holding out for better weather And I can't promise you that I'll be round forever C If there's one thing I know it's that we're good together (If there's one thing I know it's that we're good together)
C D C D C D G And I will try to hold you up through those times when you are gone C D C D Despite the weather, it gets better, C D You won't do this alone
Bridge Em G C C Em G Accapella (single strum in you want?)
C D C D C D G And I will try to hold you up through those times when you are gone C D C D Despite the weather, it gets better, C D G You won't do this alone
Normal (or go crazy lmao)
C D C D C D G And I will try to hold you up through those times when you are gone C D C D Despite the weather, it gets better, C D G You won't do this alone
Outro (Do this alone repeated for first 4 chords) G C G C G C

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