Modern Baseball


Modern Baseball



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there isn't a video lesson for this song



Written by Modern Baseball

Key:  C# More
Re-done Key G#G#
Re-done Key AA
Re-done Key A#A#
Re-done Key BB(one step down)
Re-done Key CC(half step down)
Re-done Key C#C#(original key)
Re-done Key DD(half step up)
Re-done Key D#D#(one step up)
Re-done Key EE
Re-done Key FF
Re-done Key F#F#
Re-done Key GG

These are just the chords! 

"She said lets start from the top..." 

guitar 2 is something arpeggiated along these lines. 
Didn't really have time to figure this out but tried to help you guys out a little. 

"But thats when i stopped to listen or care..." 

"...when I couldn't conjure words..." 

" the field of conversing correctly..." 


"But now were down to brass tax..." 
|-2--5--2--5---x-strum mute strings at the end of this--------| 

*During the solo do this again and keep going for "You etched holes in my brain..." 

"I know I'm bad with expectations..." 

"They don't think we can make this..." 
|--8--4---7-------------------------------|               *Play this until the end 

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