
Pop Porn



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Pop Porn

	  		This one sounded difficult to transcribe but it's just one bass riff and 
some programmed riff which I've translated to guitar. Ben is tuned down 
half a step on the album but I've included a variation of the riff which he 
seems to play live now in standard tuning. I've also transcribed the guitar 
half a step down but you could play it in standard tuning by dropping it 
one fret. 
Bass riff (album)    Bass riff (live) 
Gb---------------    G--------------- 
Db-----------0---    D-----------0--- 
Ab-0---1---0---1-    A-0---1---0---1- 
Eb-------0-------    E---0---0------- 
Programming riff for guitar: 
Play around with the above riff and include vibrato etc. You could also try 
slides instead of pull offs. If the riff is too high for you drop it 12 


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