Within Temptation


Within Temptation



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there isn't a video lesson for this song



	  		Transcription done by: Sven Deckers 
Look for more Within Temptation tabs at http://come.to/pearlsoflight 
Listen the song for an accurate striking rhythm! 
For questions, comments, corrections etc. please contact me at [email protected] 
Check out the official Within Temptation Website at http://www.within-temptation.com 
() - palm mute		^ - bend 1 step 	h - hammer on 
{} - little feedback	p - pull off		s - slide 
Within Temptation - Candles 
Tune to D (D,G,C,F,A,D) 
Intro (madoline? / Don't take this too precise ;) ) 
Sol... La... Sol... La... Sol... La... Sol... Re#... 
for guitar: 
|--17-1717171717-17171717-17h19-1919191919-191919--- x3  
|--17-1717171717-17171717--------------------------- 4th time 
Riff 1 
Riff 2 
|-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st & 3rd time 
|---------------------------------------------------------- 2nd time 
|------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th time 
Riff 3 
Riff 4 
Riff 5 
Listen to the song to hear how many times you got to play this. 
Repeat Riff 3 


Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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