Adam Faith

Lonely Pup In A Christmas Shop

Adam Faith

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Lonely Pup In A Christmas Shop

Capo on 1st fret

verse 1 
Soft brown eyes that seem to say 
Stay a while I want to play 
Would you could you do please stop 
He's a lonely pup in a Christmas shop 
verse 2 
Thank you lady thank you sir 
Is there someone else that you'd prefer  
He's not selfish just a flop 
N/C                                         D A F#m A D 
Though he wags his tail in a Christmas shop 

G D A D Mister Santa if you would send him someone oh so good G D E A Someone who will take him home for everyone to see
verse 3 D Christmas time a Christmas tree A With a happy family A Pity him he's got no pop N/C D A F#m A D He's a lonely pup in a Christmas shop
G D A D Mister Santa if you would send him someone oh so good G D E A Someone who will take him home for everyone to see
Repeat verse 3 up 1/2 tone D# Christmas time a Christmas tree A# With a happy family A# Pity him he's got no pop N/C D# C A# C D# He's a lonely pup in a Christmas shop
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