Alan Menken

Santa Fe - Prologue

Alan Menken

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Santa Fe - Prologue

Intro: C/G  D/G      C/G  D/G 

verse 1 
          Gm7      D9      Em7      C/E 
They say folks is dyin' to get here. 
        Gm7      D9   Em7   Am7 
Me, I'm dyin' to get away, 
      Dm9            G7sus 
To a little town out west 
        G7       C  D/C     C  D/C 
That's spankin' new. 
         Gm7       D9    Em7        C/E 
And while I ain't never been there, 
      Gm7     D9      Em7   Am7 
I can see it clear as day. 
       C/D             D9                Bb  Dm7/G 
If you want, I bet'cha you could see it, too. 

verse 2 
G7            C 
   Close your eyes... 
Come with me, 
            F         G/F       F/C    C 
Where it's clean and green and pretty. 
         G/B      E/G#  Asus2 Cmaj7/G F 
And they went and made a city outta clay. 
C/E          Dm7    G7      Em7       Am7 
   Why, the minute that you get there, 
         Dm7        G7     Em7  Am7 
Folks'll walk right up and say, 
        Ebmaj9   Bbmaj9     Am7      D9        Dm7/G  G7     Dm7/G 
"Welcome home, son, welcome home to Santa Fe!" 
G7           C 
   Plantin' crops, 
Splittin' rails, 
          F      G/F      F/C   C 
Swappin' tales around the fire, 
          G/B    E/G#    Asus2 Cmaj7/G    F 
'cept for Sunday when you lie around all day. 
C/E           Dm7         G7        Em7   C/E 
   Soon your friends are more like family, 
           Fmaj7   G/F    E7sus 
And they's beggin' you to stay! 
 E7         Dm7 
Ain't that neat? 
Livin' sweet 
         C  D/C     C  D/C 
In Santa Fe. 

verse 3 
          Gm7       D9      Em7   C/E 
Don't you know that we's a family? 
        Gm7      D9      Em7   Am7 
Would I let you down? No way. 
Just hold on, kid, 
          G7sus       G7    C  D/C     C  D/C     C 
Till that train makes Santa Fe 
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