Alanis Morissette

These Are The Thoughts

Alanis Morissette


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These Are The Thoughts

Written by Alanis Morissette

	  		Bm G D 

With my boyfriend

D ( intro riff )

Is he the one - that I will marry

And why is it so hard - to be objective about

Myself why do I feel - cellularly alone

Am I supposed to live - in this crazy city

Bm G D

Can blindly continued fear-induced regurtitated life-denying tradition

Be overcome

D ( intro riff )

Where does the mo - ney go that I send

To those in need, if we - have so much why do some people have 

Nothing still why do - I feel frantic when I 


First wake up in the morning - why do you say you are spiritual


Yet you treat people like shit


How can you say - you're close to God

And yet you talk behind - my back as though I'm not

A part of you, why do - I say "I'm fine" when it's 


Obvious I'm not, - why's it so hard to tell you what I want


Why can't you just read my mind?

Intro riff

Why do I fear - that the quieter I am

The less you will listen - why do I care whether you like me 

Or not why's it so hard - for me to be angry


Why is it such work to stay - conscious and so easy to get stuck


And not the other way around

D ( intro riff )

Will I ever move - back to Canada can 

I be with a lover - with whom I am a student

And a master, oh why am I - encouraged to shut my 

Mouth when it gets too close - to home, why cannot I

Bm G D

Live in the moment
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